Subject # 15 Christina, 02.27.2018 Diamond Beach Park, Honolulu, Oahu, HI

Subject #1 Brooke, 12.18.17, NW Washington, DC
Brooke was interviewed and photographed in her Mount Pleasant apartment. She was kind enough to be my very first subject!

Left- Subject# 6 Ansa, 01.15.18, NE Washington, DC
Ansa was interviewed and photographed on her 30th birthday in her home in NE Washington, DC with her 2 boxers Big Mac left, Kiss right.
Right- Subject# 3 Ashley, 12.23.17 at her home with her beloved dog and cat in Millstadt,IL.

12.22.17, St. Louis, MO
I interviewed Maureen in her favorite park, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis MO, She is currently working towards her law degree.

Subject # 27: Morgan (Mae Day) Haller 07.21.18, Converse, TX.
Morgan was interviewed and photographed in her home in Converse Texas where she lives with her husband, son, 2 dogs, cat, and bird. Morgan is a lover of animals if you couldn't tell. Soon after I left she took in a stray dove. I met Morgan back when she was in DC (more roller derby connections) she is a military wife, her husband is a cardiologist in the US Air Force and they get relocated every few years. Right now Morgan is working on completing her art degree, she is a fabulous painter but had to put it on hold with the moves and the birth of her son. (Who was napping during the photo session).

Left- Subject # 29 Lilly, 07.22.18, Waco, TX.
Lilly was interviewed and photographed along the Brazos River in a park where she used to go every morning at 6am to meet with her sponsor when she was working to achieve her sobriety. Today she is sober and works as a minister, she was 7 months pregnant with her first child at the time this photo was taken.
Right- Subject # 28 Rachel, 07.22.18, Austin, TX.
Rachel was interviewed at her Austin, TX home and photographed in front of the "Forever Bicycles" culture by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. Rachel chose this spot because of her love for bicycles. Though she looks healthy in this photo, Rachel is recovering from a traumatic bike accident that happened this spring. Her bones have healed but she is still healing from the psychological effects the accident had on her.

Subject # 21 Sharon B. , 04.20.2018 Philadelphia, PA.
Sharon was interviewed and photographed in there apartment in Philadelphia, PA. She is posed here on a mattress in her living room, above her are inspiration boards she has created to help her stay motivated in life. Sharon is currently pursuing her masters degree while also working full time at a recruitment center.

Subject #18 Stephanie, 03.07.18, San Francisco, CA
Stephanie was photographed on the beach in Golden Gate Park, she dyed her hair blue the night before in preparation for a Roller Derby Bout she had the next day. Her derby name is Frightmare.

Subject # 23, Junáuh 07.16.18 in Columbus, MS.
Junáuh was interviewed and photographed in the warehouse where her roller derby team, The Mississippi Brawl Stars practices. She has been playing since 2010!

Subject#9 Annik
01.21.2018, Miami,FL.Annik was interviewed and photographed in her Miami, FL backyard. Annik moved to the US from Canada for school. She just had her first poetry book published:
#okaycoolnosmokingloveponyAnnik is newly married and working on finalizing her US citizenship.#30atthirty#miami#poet#writer#fuzzysweater
12.24.17, St. Louis, MO.
Kinsley was photographed outside the school where she first started her career teaching.
#mayaangelouwas born on the same block. Kinsley was staying in#stlouiswhile evacuated from her home in#santabarbara#californiabecause of wild fires. Her home survived the fire.#30atthirty
Left- Subject#10 Christine, 01.26.18, NE, Washington, DC
Christine was interviewed and photographed at her home in NE#washingtondc. At 30 Christine is living her best life, she loves to make those around her laugh -- she is always prepared with#bubbleswhich she says bring laughter to any occasion!#30atthirty#loveyourselfSpecial thanks to@riahmirandafor making the bubbles happen!
Right- Subject#11 Carla, 01.30.18, Carla was interviewed and photographed in her office in#wilmingtondelawarewhere she works as VP of fraud protection for a large investment firm. Shortly after getting married for the second time she had a change of heart and filed for divorce. Right now her job is her top priority and it's where she puts all of her focus. Carla dives head first into her job and she is about to go back to school for her 2nd masters degree. She chose to be photographed at work because it's like her second home.#30atthirty


Subject # 20 Linda 04.20.2018, Newark, DE.
Linda was interviewed and photographed in her home in Newark, DE. She is photographed with her 2 young children in the playroom. When Linda was a kid she would imagine what she wanted to be when she grew up and she always knew that she wanted to be a mom. A lawyer in her professional career, it's being a mother that comes first for her and brings her the most joy.

02.23.18, Portland, OR
Kelly was interviewed and photographed in#portlandoregonthe morning of her#synchronizedskatingnational championship competition with her team@dcedgesynchro(Kelly is my teammate) Skating is her outlet, she's been skating most of her life and continues to as an adult. The DC Edge masters team took home the gold 🏅for the third consecutive year. Here she is checking her laces and packing her dress up at the hotel before heading to the rink!#adultsskatetoo#30atthirty#dirtythirty#followyourdreams#usfigureskating
Jessica Poingt 03.07.2018 in San Fransisco, CA
The last question in my interview is: How are you planning for the Future? Jessica says " The biggest change in being 30 has been the feeling that I'm not doing enough, for our planet and people."#gmoomg#dirty30#30atthirty#sfo
Left- Subject #30 Victoria 07.22.18, Fort Worth, TX.
Victoria was interviewed and photographed at Catholic Charities Fort Worth where she works. Victoria puts her faith first and finds a sense of community in her church.
Right- Subject # 22 Deirdre 07.15.18 Nashville, TN.
Deirdre was interviewed and photographed at Edwin Warner Park where she likes to go with her family.

Subject #19 Melanie, 03.08.18, Lynwood, CA.
Melanie was interviewed and photographed in front of St. Francis Medical Center where she is a very proud Nurse Practitioner and specializes in Stroke Care.

Subject # 25: Katie Kim 07.19.18 in Houston, TX
Katie was interviewed and photographed in her Houston, TX apartment where she lives with her husband and son. She is pictured here with her son Nate during family dinner time.
Subject#13 Kindra, 02.25.18, Portland, OR
Kindra was photographed in her apartment overlooking #cathedralparkin#portlandoregonon 02.25.18. Kindra is living her best life at 30. She's about to become a certified yoga instructor. She's also an amazing artist and has recently launched an organic clothing line- see her fabulous leggings she's wearing, they are one of her designs.#30atthirty#dirty30#pdx#yogapants

02.27.2018, Oahu, HI
Michele was photographed and interviewed at
#hoomaluhiabotanicalgardena place where she likes to go to clear her mind and exercise. Michele comes from a long line of Native Hawaiians and she can't imagine calling anywhere else home. Some of her childhood friends have left the island and moved to the mainland or to other countries and she loves to travel to go see them, and jumps at the opportunity to explore new places. Michele is one of the happiest most content 30 year olds I have ever met. I have no doubt that her strong family roots and her surroundings play a huge role in her happiness.#30atthirty#hawaii#happiness#vog
Subject # 26: Shannon Fritz 07.20.18, Austin, TX.
Shannon was interviewed and photographed in her classroom at Kipp Charter school in Austin, TX where she is a reading teacher. Shannon has always been passionate about reading, her mother always told her she would be a reading teacher and Shannon didn't believe her. After 8 years of teaching she wouldn't have it any other way!

Subject #5 Gina, 01.12.18, NW Washington, DC
Gina was photographed on her last day of 30, on 01.12.18 at@kennedycenterwhere she enjoys going to see#nationalsymphonyorchestraperform.#30atthirty#nationalsymohonyorchestra#washingtondc
Subject#14 Patty, 02.25.18, Portland, OR
Patty was interviewed at the Lloyd Center Ice Rink (the mall rink where#tonyaharding once practiced) Patty has been skating most of her life, she took a break thru college and then started skating again as an adult. She moved to Portland Oregon when she was offered a job with Nike working in sustainability. Patty found it difficult to find friends in her new city so she turned to the ice again and now she's skating 3-4 times a week with a friend. She has a coach and is working on learning new moves and has found the challenge of ice skating has brought out a whole new meaning than it did when she was younger.#30atthirty#portland#pdx#adultsskatetoo#justfly

Subject # 17&18:
Stephanie and Jessica 03.07.2018, San Francisco, CA
I know Fright and Dual - those are their
#rollerderbynames- from my derby days in DC@dcrollergirls. That's where they met and became friends and later, fell in love. They both live out in the the#sanfranciscoarea now and work for@amyskitchendoing amazing things. Dual (left) was born in France to French-American parents (hence the dual citizenship) and Fright was born and raised in Florida. Work and life brought them to DC and roller derby brought them together. The rest is history!#30atthirty#bluehairdontcare#carlthefog#baybridge
Anna, 01.17.18, Clearwater, FL
Anna was photographed in her classroom. Anna is a passionate elementary art teacher at Guardian Angels Catholic School in Clearwater, Florida. Last week her students were amazed to discover that arist#georgiaokeefewas a woman. Yes, women are artists too!#30atthirty#teachers#clearwaterfl#florida#womenartists

Left- Subject #31 Michelle, 07.24.18 Memphis, TN.
Michelle was interviewed and photographed at work. She hosts a morning radio show at FM100, 99.7. She always wanted to be a radio personality and she moved from NYC to Memphis to live her dream. Her next goal is to get syndicated!
Right- Subject #24 Giavanna, 07.19.18 New Orleans, LA.
Giavanna helps her daughter Dandi with her skating gear after an early morning skate at one of their favorite skate parks in NOLA.